‘'Say Istanbul and a seagull comes to mind
Half silver and half foam,
Half silver and half foam,
fish and half bird.’
The Saga of
Istanbul by Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu
The birds and the sealife at the Bosphorus

The Bosphorus also lies on a
migratory route and the one of the great sights of the city is that of the
storks arriving back from their winter residence in Africa in March and then
leaving again in even bigger numbers the third week of August. For lovers of birds and nature,
Istanbul is an ideal place to partake in a spot of bird watching.
On rare occasions, especially
early mornings, you might see small
groups of dolphins swimming across the Bosphorus, in addition to migratory
dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, common
dolphins and harbour porpoises have all returned to the water. These joyful
creatures are a delight to watch for ferry passengers and fishermen.
Black Sea coastline has
traditionally depended on fishing for a part of its livelihood as the plenty
fish stocks migrate between the cold Black Sea and the warmer Sea of Marmara. Although there is a decline in
the numbers, still, some stocks of smaller fish, such as bluefish, red mullet,
mackerel snapper are still part of the sea life.
Yorum Gönder